Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ppl like this should die!

I'm NOT the person he has to answer to but I sure as hell wish I was cause he'd honestly BURN in HELL!!!! This is beyond SICK! check out the link.


Where I'm at Now!

My intent was to take this to another level and get political but I decided to get a bit personal instead...Let me know what you think:)

Where I'm at Now...

I'm at a place of exceptance...
Excepting the fact that all things aren't as they seem.
I'm at a place of happiness...
Happiness is what I develop for myself and allow others to add-on too.
I'm at a place of awareness...
Aware that anything I want I have to go get, but still aware that along the way I will make mistakes and grow from them.
I'm at a place of understanding...
understanding that not everyone will see eye to eye with me, different views is what makes life unique.
I'm at place of communication...
Communication is essential PERIOD!! in any and all relationships.

I'm at a place of love...
Love is powerful, complex, and beautiful. I have alot of love to give. I want the right person to recieve it as well as give back.
I'm at a place of Maturity...
Maturing comes with life experiences. My mistakes have matured me a hell of a lot! I've made the same mistake TWICE and it shouldn't of happen but it did and now I truly get why it happen. I had to mature.
I'm at a place of no matter what happens from this day forward it wont be redundant. I'm living each day with a purpose and goal. Along the way I'm bettering myself and trying to help those who are by my side as well.

Coming from where I'm from has made me who I am today as well as brought me to the place I'm at NOW!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Letter To My Generation

A Letter To My Generation

To Whom It May Concern,

Now is the time! Hear my voice and understand I speak to my generation and all generations that may be similar. Now is the time! Throw your excuses out of the window. Cast your fears aside. Now is a time, if ever there was one, to believe in yourself. The phrase “Anything Is Possible” is a staple in many lives now. And I urge my generation NOT TO RUN AWAY FROM IT. Rather, I encourage you all to embrace it. Better yet, I dare you to. I dare you to challenge yourself. Get off the corners. Get in school. Educate your minds. There is so much you can learn about yourself and what you are capable of just by being in the environment of education. Now is the time! President Barack Obama stands for more than just bragging rights for a culture. He represents the history of a people that have come a long way to say the least. Understand his story. His courage. His determination. His mission. His message. Understand that you are just as much apart of the history of your people as President Barack Obama is. I myself haven’t always been the motivated and inspired young man I am today. I admit I gave into the comforts of taking life for granted. Not going to school. Wasting time. Wasting money. But just as these words will ring clear in someone’s ears. The words of Barack Obama woke me up from my self imposed slumber. The echoes of so many forgotten souls began to become clearer. Voting for a Black President gave me a different sense of pride. I chose knowledge over arrogance. Passion over rage. Understanding over stubbornness. I Say It Loud: I’m Black and I’m proud! My vision is getting clearer. I am now starting to see what it means to hold the power of my fist in the air for all to see. I’m here. We’re here. I say again: Now is the time! Motivate yourself. Inspire others. In these hard times the best investment that we, as a young generation, can make; is in ourselves. Not in the cars. Not in the clothes. Not in the jewelry. But in our minds. In our spirits. Developing an understanding of where we come from, where we are, and where we can go from here. My dear generation. We are young. But we are strong. Now is the time! The foundation was laid for us. Now all we have to do is continue to build up this legacy. Continue to build up this strength. We’ve come so far. But we haven’t finished yet. President Barack Obama is just the beginning. You’re next in line. Be strong. Be focused. Be proud. Now is the time!


[this poem was written in Feb. 2009]

R.I.P. Derrion Albert

this sh*t is not a game! I work @ a school in Compton and sh*t like this can happen EVERY SINGLE DAY! this sh*t is not a game! it's so easy to say "Stop The Violence". but what most fail to realize is that a lot of the victims of situations like this are honestly put in a situation where they are simply FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES! i'm 22. and back when i was in high school, i was in these little school gangs. i understand kids fight just for the sake of fighting. but i also know first hand IT ALWAYS GETS OUT OF CONTROL. here i am; second year in California, fighting a legit street gang @ my very first homecoming game. that sh*t wasn't cute. as a matter of fact a young man that attends the school I work at in Compton was shot at on his way home two weeks ago. fortunately, he survived with 2 bullets in his right arm. and now has to learn to use his left arm because his right will never be the same. [...he's not even 18!] again. this sh*t is not a game! but, today, this same young man, who NEVER shows up to the after-school program i run, shows up about 15 mins after program starts out of breath. apparently while on his way home, he saw the guys who shot @ him and fearing for his life he ran back to school where he felt safe. absolutely f*cking ridiculous! these kids are scared to go home! there are so many more accounts like this i can tell you about the kids that attend this school in Compton. and as bad as it sounds, everyday i'm scared im going to hear that something similar to Derrion Albert happened to anyone of the young men i have doing push-ups for cuss words and use of the "N" word. THIS is why i chose to be in school to be a history professor. to change this pattern. teach these children. of all races. about THEIR history. all they have accomplished without even knowing it. so they can do more than fall into the lure of the streets. i'm trying my hardest to establish a sense of pride within these children so they can do more for themselves and their families; past, present, and future. but can they hear me through their own cries for help? this sh*t is not a game! my next post will be a letter i wrote last year for Black History Month.

Lauryn Hill - Ex Factor

i figured you guys wouldn't mind checking this out...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Where I'm From...Where I'm at Now...

I happen to go thru papers and I came across some work I did while in high school...As I'm flipping thru the pages I see this "Where I'm From" poem that I did in one of my favorite teachers(Mr. Leath) class. I must say it was damn good:-) but I'm saying all this too say it kinda inspired me to do an updated version....

Where I'm at Now...You wouldn't believe...My President is BLACK...Did I say too much??

*Poem Coming Soon!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

can we get a bit deep?

so i just off the phone with a good friend of mine and i felt like i made a nice little point in the conversation that i wanted to share. [and get some feedback from the people :)] so we were talking about how people find themselves making comments or listing traits and qualities they find attractive in their ideal mate. that's all good. but let's check out the other side of that. imagine it's someone YOU like. and let's say they tweet or blog about something making mention to some traits and/or qualities they dig in a mate. all of a sudden, whether you know it or not, you're trying to see if you possess those traits or qualities. and if you don't, where and how can you get them?! now i'm sure it's not that dramatic but hopefully you see my point. we send all these signals or messages out about who we want to find [or find us]. now don't get me wrong. it's definitely amazing to know what you like and what you don't like. that's beautiful. but i think putting it out there in such ways that we all tend to [via twitter/facebook/blogger/away msg], it tends to guide your audience to less genuine actions/intentions. EX: you tweet something you would admire about someone trying to pursue you. they follow you and catch it OR just come across it. now they can exploit that KNOWING you admire it. and you are none the wiser because while you never personally intended for them to be influenced by it, they are now making conscious decisions to become your "ideal" person. personally i feel that the ideal person for anyone should be someone is themselves through and through. and if they naturally possess any/many/all the traits/qualities you admire in your mate, then those are just more and more reasons for you to love/appreciate/admire about them because it is GENUINELY who they are. and on the other side of things when we voice such interest in specific traits/qualities in our mate, we might start losing sight of who the people we pursue or are pursued by really are. EX: "my ideal mate would want to cook for me all the time." so now when we're dating someone and things are getting serious, if they aren't cooking as often as we would like, they're not right for us anymore? and now there are conscious thoughts in your mind that influence a loss of interest and possibly lead to a horrible ending of a relationship. we get so caught up in trying to make people who we want them to be that we don't appreciate them for who they are. they may not cook as often as we would like; but they cook. [is that not good enough?] and they know how to cook your favorite meal!...why not meet them half way? [but that's another post for another time] are we getting too caught up in looking for this made up "ideal mate"...

Just Getting In...

Today was the 1st page of a new chapter in my life...I've decided to let alot of burned bridges turn into ash, negatives turn into positives. I figure it could be alot worse and I'm still breathing so thats alot to be thankful for PERIOD! Honestly, its taken me long enough to end that chapter, sadly I'm talking years!!

So my question is: What was the "OK" moment when you decided to move to the next chapter in your life?? ....thisismycool have you ever had a moment when you felt like changing the chapter?? Also did you learn from it??

P.s. I was inspired by Jay-Z once again today after watching his interview with Oprah(Big Fish), talk about GREATNESS!! The man gives me everything I need and More! Well goodnight Loves:-*

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How often do you Twitter?

a little late night bloggin'

so i have horrible sleeping habits! either it's because i decide to take a nap and enjoy it too much or i try and stay up in hopes the sleep adds up. FAIL! but it ends up being the perfect time for me to catch up on shows and movies on tv. and i try to catch movies ive never seen/heard of before. so tonight i came across this movie called 2 Days In Paris. i have this growing infatuation with French and the French culture so i'm always trying to catch a French/France-related film. So I just so happen to tune in to what I feel was a great movie. It's an edgy bit romantic comedy filled with dry humor [which are two things i also enjoy]. I won't get into much detail about it because I hate when people ruin movies/shows, but I will suggest that anyone who likes romantic comedies/dry humor, or the combination of the two, check it out. You will not be disappointed. ON A SIDE NOTE IT'S A GOOD RELATIONSHIP MOVE TO WATCH. CHECK IT OUT SOLO FIRST THOUGH. I'm off to check out this movie Sex Drive though. It looked funny.

Hello there,
Daymechelle here with her lovely P.N.C. thisismycool...I just want to start off by saying its been a long time coming ya'll and we're here! Giving you two Eccentric Souls which you wouldn't or rarely see on a blog. We are approaching this in every which way covering all things going on in our lives to the outside world that we live in. NO HOLDING BACK!! but to give you guys a little sample of what I'm like:
~ Fly Sexy Fun Female
~ 21 yrs Afrikan Amerikan
~ Liberal Arts and Science A.A. Degree
~ Love all things Art & Music
~ Single
~ ReaL!!

I hope you guys enjoy and take something we say with you everyday...As we give you his and hers, thoughts and views:-) Once again Welcome to Eccentric Souls!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Bonjour! My name is...just call me thisismycool :). And i've started this blog with a very fly friend of mine by the name of daymechelle. We call it Eccentric Souls. [a work in progress, but we feel pretty good about the name] At first we were gonna make this blog have one specific theme. But there is so much dope stuff out in the world we couldn't possibly dare to force this blog to fit in a specific genre. Hopefully everyone just enjoys themselves and takes a bit of us with them every time they visit. I feel like I should let you know a little about myself.

-i'm 22 years old
-i'm African-American
-i'm currently a student at West LA Community College
-my favorite color is GREEN
-i listen to ALL genre's of music [but i prefer R&B/NEO SOUL]

I'm sure you'll learn much more about me as we get this thing going. Not to be outdone. You should definitely meet my partner in crime...