Life...ups, downs, smiles, and frowns. But even after the very horrible or very happy moments we still realize how blessed we are. Well at least those who have hearts. I can NEVER understand why people take peoples lives but it happens for a reason. Reasons we can NEVER truly pinpoint. This story on the Billings has definitely touched my heart and I hope it touched or touchs y'all too. The tradegy happen this past summer and after all the stuff that I thought that I went through couldn't get any worse, I realize there are 9 special needs kids without parents and they really have NO clue as to why? how? who? So when I decide to complain or think that my problems are soo BIG, I'm now reminded that i'm not at all alone. No matter what we have something to be thankful for because we're still breathing, It's a BLESSING!!!!
[ The story of Billings Murder]
"One moment, they were sleeping peacefully in their Florida home. The next, they were innocent victims of a methodical murder plot.
On July 9, 2009, gunmen broke into Melanie and Byrd "Bud" Billings' home and killed them while they lay in bed. Bud was shot six times, and Melanie took five bullets to the chest, face and head.
Melanie and Bud weren't the only ones at home that night. Nine adopted children with special needs, members of the Billingses' large, loving family, were sleeping nearby.
Ashley Markham, their 27-year-old daughter who lives outside the home, remembers the day vividly. "I called the house about 7:30, and that's when Jacob answered," she says. "Jacob was very distraught."
Then, Jacob, Ashley's 10-year-old adopted brother with Down syndrome, handed the telephone to his autistic sister, Adrianna, who told Ashley their parents were laying on the floor.
Confused and scared, Ashley called 911 while she drove to her parents' house. "I remember pulling up outside the fence, and the yard was taped off," she says. "There were so many police officers, and nobody knew what was going on."
Further investigation led to a chilling discovery. The security cameras Melanie and Bud had installed to watch over their adopted children caught the moments before the murders on tape". (via Oprah.com)
P.s. Also if you go to Oprah.com you can get more on the story and the trust they have for the childern, if you CAN donate. Thx Loves!!
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