Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anything is possible

It's been a long time coming y'all...yesterday begun a new chapter in my book of LIFE. I have yet to give up on my career plans and apparently GOD has allowed me to stay sTrOng and pull thru the obstacles. What I'm trying to say is I have signed another contract with the Navy and this time it's for keeps!! NO more stupidness going into this journey at least nothing that'll cost me my future. I'm set to leave for bootcamp on the 26th of this month and TRUST & believe when I say you can do ALL things through CHRIST!

I realize that he was with me yesterday hand in hand because I can't begin to tell you how I'm leaving so soon, there are people who have been waiting to get a JOB in the navy since last year or months ago. I was told there is a list of 300 people who need jobs & I managed to come out with one that leaves next Wednesday. That is NOTHING but his WORK! I'm convinced that this is my destiny & I'm on my way to success!

Remember keep the FAITH & work HARD!! You'll WIN every time.