Saturday, December 26, 2009

the best i ever had

often times we hold back in relationships. mainly in the beginning. fear that someone might take advantage of us again. hurt us. use us. abuse us. but often times that keeps us from loving like we know we can. and then we wonder why the relationship went sour. how can we ask someone to love us all the way when we are barely giving half? it's an unfair expectation many of us walk around with. well i can't live like that anymore. do unto others as you would have others do unto you [or something like that lol] i'm going to give my everything and eventually i will come across someone who does the same. and hopefully we can just continue to inspire each other to keep giving each other our all. because i can move forward knowing that i gave my all versus regretting not being 100 from jump. again, i'm bound to come across someone i can build a successful relationship with. to some i may be jumping the gun. but i want a family. and that sh*t doesn't just happen. the 2 people that start a family have quite a bit to go through and experience before they get started. [or at least i feel it should be that way] i idolize the love story my grandparents had. meeting in college. falling in love. living happily ever after. because they were able to build such a foundation. mold such a bond. they started a family. raised children. have grandchildren. maintain ties with family rooted elsewhere. amazing. simply amazing. to me. but then again i'm a just a hopeful romantic. but i feel like there's a woman out there who can appreciate/love/respect me and i can give her the same in return.

baby you're my everything, you're all i've ever wanted...

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