i play video games. a lot. and i play them online. it's fun. i'm a nerd. a geek. a guy. loser. whatever you wanna call me. that's me. but the one thing i cannot stand when playing online is when i hear all this racism towards black people. and there's no real way you can tell what race/culture you're playing against [unless your name makes reference to it] so a lot of times these people are casually saying the most disrespectful things about black people without one possibly even playing against them. and it gets real unnecessary too. there are whole groups that play together just talking all kinds of sh*t. i swear i've heard some sh*t that will legit put you right back in that time of slavery. it's absolutely f*cking ridiculous. and what can anybody do about it??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! and that pisses me off the most. i'm not racist. i may not refer to everybody in the politically correct way but i don't harbor any hidden resentments towards anybody. whatever feelings i may have towards someone is definitely based on the individual. not their race. not their culture. not their geographic location [because there's a whole bunch of anti-American talk on their too] nor any reference to their nationality or background. and unfortunately it's not just an international thing. there are people who clearly live in the USA that are online spewing all kinds of racist sh*t. i'm not asking for the red carpet treatment. i'm not asking for reparations or 40 acres and a mule. i'm just asking for the same thing EVERYBODY else wants. respect. is that honestly too much to ask? we have a black President. not for bragging rights. but as clear evidence that we as a people. we as a country. have come a long way since the days when slaves were shipped from Africa to all around the world. i myself want to travel the world. i want to see sh*t. i want to do sh*t. and your telling me i have to always keep my guards up because of the color of my skin? the way i talk? the way i walk? where i live? where i was born? how i look? with no respect for what i may have to offer? well i'll tell you this. as much as sh*t like this pisses me off. ima let it motivate me. my name is going to mean something before i'm done in this life. and every racist comment. every racist side glance [you know what i'm talkin about..] every disrespectful thing that i have ever experienced and will continue to experience [it's absolutely ridiculous that i had to say that] is only going to fuel the fire of success that burns inside of me. because see i strive to be more than what you make me out to be. i'm not just that NIGGA/NIGGER. i'm not someone's baby daddy. i'm not that brotha standin on the corner. I am Mychael Anthony Brown I. a young man trying to find his own way to transition into the adult world successfully. and either you're going to respect that or regret that. i'm done.
thank you.