Sunday, October 4, 2009

what's wrong with you?

absolutely nothing! as imperfect as you are. as imperfect as we all are. absolutely nothing is wrong with you. or me. or her. or him. or them. or us. in an earlier blog post [daymechelle] posted earlier "Where I'm at Now!" she hits some good points about 'maturity'. she writes:

I'm at a place of Maturity...
Maturing comes with life experiences. My mistakes have matured me a hell of a lot! I've made the same mistake TWICE and it shouldn't of happen but it did and now I truly get why it happen. I had to mature.
I'm at a place of no matter what happens from this day forward it wont be redundant. I'm living each day with a purpose and goal. Along the way I'm bettering myself and trying to help those who are by my side as well.

beautiful right??? i feel like that provides a perfect example of how to accept who you are. accept who you are becoming. accept who you want to become. we are all just works in progress. and being so young, it's foolish to think we are anything close to perfection. so i pose the question again: what's wrong with you? i hope your answer is 'absolutely nothing'. if not, reread this post and "Where I'm at Now!" as many times as you need to. keep in mind that some days you may be a bit happier with yourself than others. and understand that going through the range of your emotions is just fine. whether it be a good day. happy day. bad day. gloomy day. stressful day. lazy day. etc. just try and remain positive to the best of your ability. and take time to yourself every now and then. escape into a world of music. art. poetry. or whatever you find joy in. it's impossible to stay in the public eye forever. we all need an escape. and just remember: flaws and all. absolutely nothing is wrong with you. we are all a continuous work in progress :)


  1. i wish more people were able to think this way as well as have a better, more optimistic perception of themselves and the world around us. it's so easy to get carried away and taken away by the negativity happening around us, but people who really take the time to sit back and realize that a smile takes as much effort as a frown does really never cease to amaze me. thanks for blogging things of this sort, it really does help :)
